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Health In Fortaleza Joaquim Távora Brazil

We attend both private patients and health plans in: Anesthesiology, Cardiology, General Surgery, Endocrinology, Endoscopies, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nutrition and Proctology. Digestive system exams: High Digestive Endoscope, Colonoscopy, Enteroscopy through endoscope capsule, Esophageal and Rectal manometry and esophageal pH monitoring.
Saúde Integrada Odontologia
"Saúde Integrada" offers all dental services with excellence and the best comfort for our customer, aming to provide satisfaction services. Bringing modern treatments to achieve beautiful and healthy teeth. Among our services include Dental Implants and Whitening.
Saúde Integrada Odontologia
"Saúde Integrada" offers all dental services with excellence and the best comfort for our customer, aming to provide satisfaction services. Bringing modern treatments to achieve beautiful and healthy teeth. Among our services include Dental Implants and Whitening.
Sr. Pé Podologia
Mr. Foot Podiatry operates in Fortaleza taking care of the health of your feet with credibility. Specialized care in correcting nail with application of orthoses, callosities, fissures (cracks), diabetic foot, ringworm, reflexology. Security with sterilization by autoclave, and sale of products decreína.
Sr. Pé Podologia
Mr. Foot Podiatry operates in Fortaleza taking care of the health of your feet with credibility. Specialized care in correcting nail with application of orthoses, callosities, fissures (cracks), diabetic foot, ringworm, reflexology. Security with sterilization by autoclave, and sale of products decreína.